Tuesday 16 September 2014

Life Cycle of Butterflies and Moths

As advanced insects, butterflies and moths have a "complete" life cycle. This means that there are four separate stages, each of which looks completely different and serves a different purpose in the life of the insect.
Butterflies are part of the class of Insects in the order LepidopteraMoths are also included in this order. Adults butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight. The group comprise the true butterflies (superfamily Papilionoidea), theskippers (superfamily Hesperioidea) and the moth-butterflies (superfamily Hedyloidea). Other families within Lepidoptera are referred to as moths. Butterfly fossils date to the mid Eocene epoch, 40–50 million years ago.[1]
Butterflies exhibit polymorphismmimicry and aposematism. Some, like the Monarch, will migrate over long distances. Some butterflies have parasitic relationships with organisms including protozoans, flies, ants, other invertebrates, and vertebrates. [2] [3] Some species are pests because in their larval stages they can damage domestic crops or trees; however, some species are agents of pollination of some plants, and caterpillars of a few butterflies (e.g., Harvesters) eat harmful insects. Culturally, butterflies are a popular motif in the visual and literary arts.
SnowberryClearwingEgg - copyright KenChildsThe egg is a tiny, round, oval, or cylindrical object, usually with fine ribs and other microscopic structures. The female attaches the egg to leaves, stems, or other objects, usually on or near the intended caterpillar food.
Danaus_plexippus.jpgThe caterpillar (or larva) is the long, worm-like stage of the butterfly or moth. It often has an interesting pattern of stripes or patches, and it may have spine-like hairs. It is the feeding and growth stage. As it grows, it sheds its skin four or more times so as to enclose its rapidly growing body.
Danaus_plexippus-pupa2.jpgThe chrysalis (or pupa) is the transformation stage within which the caterpillar tissues are broken down and the adult insect's structures are formed. The chrysalis of most species is brown or green and blends into the background. Many species overwinter in this stage.
Danaus_plexippus-adult.jpgThe adult (or imago) is colorful butterfly or moth usually seen. It is the reproductive and mobile stage for the species. The adults undergo courtship, mating, and egg-laying. The adult butterfly or moth is also the stage that migrates or colonizes new habitats. The butterfly pictured here is aMonarch, which is fairly large in size. The Monarch's wingspan is 3 3/8 - 4 7/8 inches (8.6 - 12.4 cm).

Adult Anatomy


Life Cycle

The Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly

Before a butterfly can flap its wings, it starts out as something completely different and transforms itself through four stages. First as an egg, then as a caterpillar, next as a pupa in its chrysalis, and finally, it emerges as a butterfly. This entire process takes about four weeks from start to finish; although the warmer it is, the shorter the cycle. Let’s take a look at each stage in the life cycle of a butterfly:
life cycle Life Cycle


A butterfly begins as an egg, laid on the underside of a milkweed leaf. Inside is a tiny caterpillar, but you’ll have to look closely to see it since the eggs are very small – only about the size of a pinhead! A female Monarch will lay one egg at a time, up to 500! They lay so many because only about one in 20 make it to adulthood.


Inside the egg grows a caterpillar, or larva, and there are five parts to this stage, which are known as Instars.

1st Instar

After the egg is laid, the caterpillar hatches four days later. It’s pretty hungry so it eats its own eggshell and then the leaf the egg was on. The first bite of milkweed is a dangerous one, because milkweed latex can act like glue. Some caterpillars die from that first meal because their mouths gum up. If it survives, the caterpillar then takes a break to shed (or molt) its skin.

2nd Instar

The striking combination of colours yellow, white and black, begin to appear and the caterpillar will eat another leaf or two.

3rd Instar

Changes are becoming more noticeable in this stage. The caterpillar is bigger and its colours are more vibrant. Its tentacles grow longer.

4th Instar

The caterpillar is now about an inch long and has obvious white dots on its prolegs – those stumpy little legs that run down both sides of the caterpillar. At this stage, caterpillars can eat a whole leaf in under an hour!

5th Instar

This is the stage right before the BIG change, but there’s still a lot going on. Fattened up, and with soft, black stripes, the caterpillar moves pretty fast as it searches for a place to spin a silk button that attaches to the leaf in order to hang upside-down, form a ‘J,’ and molt one last time.
While hanging upside down, the skin splits behind the caterpillar’s head and it wiggles out from the old skin. It’s a tricky thing to do. It has to hold onto the silk button while slipping the rest of its skin off. Once this happens, the caterpillar becomes a pupa.


The pupa, or chrysalis, is soft at first but in about an hour, the shell hardens to protect the growing butterfly within. It’s a beautiful shade of green to help disguise it from predators. The pupa has no eyes, antennae or legs but inside a complete metamorphosis is going on. The mouth changes from what the caterpillar needed to chew milkweed leaves into a straw-like tongue that the butterfly will need to sip nectar from flowers. And it grows wings! All in just about two weeks.


Finally, the shell bursts open and a butterfly emerges. It takes a couple of hours before it can fly because its wings are tiny, wet and wrinkly. The butterfly pumps body fluid, called hemolymph, into the wings to make them grow big and strong. After the wings have hardened, it’s time to eat! The butterfly flies off in search of its first meal, which it will slurp up through its straw-like tongue, or proboscis. After just dining on milkweed, butterflies enjoy a little more variety and take their nectar from several different flowers, making them one of nature’s migratory pollinators.

The “Super Generation”

It takes a full year for the completion of the annual monarch butterfly migration from Texas up the eastern U.S. to southern Canada, and then a long journey to central Mexico to overwinter for several months in the cool mountaintops followed by the final leg back to Texas. It is a somewhat puzzling concept to wrap your mind around, but it takes 2-3 generations of monarchs to make the journey north from Texas to southern Canada but only 1 generation to make the entire trip south to Mexico.
The northern generations of monarchs only live 4-6 weeks on average as they follow the milkweed bloom – a plant they lay their eggs on and the only plant that caterpillars will eat. The generation that makes the longest leg of the migration south to Mexico, where it rests for months, will make the final short leg to Texas to complete the cycle, is known by scientists as the migratory generation. In the film they are termed the “Super Generation,” as they live 8 times longer than their mother and grandmother, the northern generations, and travel 10 times farther. In order to make the long journey they must conserve energy. They do so by not mating or having to use energy laying their 300 to 800 eggs, they also catch “free rides” on thermal air currents sometimes flying a mile high, and they store fat at an amazing rate compared to the northern generations.
While all monarch butterflies carry the DNA to make this long journey, it is only this southern flying generation that is triggered by various external factors in the fall to become a “Super Butterfly.” Outside elements such as the angle of the sun, the drop in the temperatures and longer days that occur in the Fall, trigger the changes necessary to make this extra long journey. The females do not sexually develop and enter a phase called sexual diapause, and therefore cannot mate, and these temperature and length of sunlight, also activate this generation’s ability to convert and store fat for the long journey.
After their long journey south, they overwinter in Mexico for several months in oyamel evergreen trees set high in a few isolated peaks in the cool Sierra Madre mountain range.

The Milkweed Plant

Named for its milky juice, more than 100 varieties of milkweed exist, and most are poisonous to many animals – but not to Monarchs. Female Monarchs normally lay one egg per milkweed leaf. As they grow, caterpillars fill themselves with milkweed poison. It’s not harmful to them and remains in their bodies forever. It stays in their orange and black wings, as a reminder to predators that they taste bitter.
A perennial that generally blooms between May and August, milkweed plants prefer soil that is rocky, sandy, and clay. They are hardy and beautiful plants, and as butterfly breeding grounds, will enhance your home garden with their bright flowers along with the natural magnificence of the butterflies that will rest there. Some farmers consider milkweed a nuisance, but it is essential to the survival of the Monarchs.

The Lifecycle of a Butterfly


The Lifecycle of a Butterfly
Butterflies go through a life cycle. A butterfly has four stages in its life cycle. Each stage is different. Each stage also has a different goal. A butterfly becoming an adult is called metamorphosis. The life cycle process can take a month to year. It depends on the type of butterfly.

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Stage 1: Eggs
In the first stage a girl butterfly lays eggs. A butterfly first starts out as an egg. A girl butterfly lays the eggs on a leaf. She lays the eggs really close together. The eggs are really small and round. About five days after the eggs are laid. A tiny worm-like creature will hatch from the egg.
http://i2.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens2355482module13422885photo_1231772417butterfly_eggs.jpg http://images.travelpod.com/users/gatogo/1.1263895022.butterfly-eggs.jpg
Stage 2: Caterpillar (Larve)
The second stage is the caterpillar. A caterpillar is sometimes called larve. A caterpillar is a long creature. It looks like a worm. Most caterpillars have a cool pattern. This pattern has stripes or patches. The caterpillar is hungry once it has hatched. It starts to eat leaves and flowers. It eats these all the time. It first eats the leaf that it was born on. This is the eating and growing stage.

A caterpillar grows really fast. This is because they eat a lot. A caterpillar is really small when it is born. It starts to grow fast. This is because it eats all the time. It grows so fast that it becomes too big for its skin. So the caterpillar has to shed its old skin. It then gets new skin. Caterpillars shed their skin four or more times while they are growing. A caterpillar shedding its outgrown skin is called molting.

Caterpillars do not stay in this stage very long. While they are in this stage, all they do is eat.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjQZT4pN4m2rmseBcXGOHptWCsehfbLfLrbzxXSKsIKffYT3tYekRJqmB2KHhGxN5hVNKtGoN5oo0irniyd1MOZdhDlulFMa04_QOjG4_I_TDR85LqSEU5EkWBlMmyo6EVnixKFovS-Als/s1600/Caterpillar12.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdvgceB9QkLKpERrRUQzVBDvHk64D0cDZBlS83FnIhHmGBA8oMD9PiHz9PlUYgUoU-ttxkbjsnpELvGqWslomIknIO7fnc6WS4VKrW2GaXbeYF018QVVktgTvSWyGzvW2VKdeaVx4wn44/s1600/black+swallowtail+caterpillar.jpg
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Stage 3: Chrysalis (Pupa)
Stage three is the chrysalis. This is when the caterpillar is done growing. The caterpillar makes a chrysalis. Another name for a chrysalis is a pupa. It is mostly brown or green. It is the same color as the things around it. Things like the trees, leaves, or branches. This is so that other animals cannot see it. This protects them. This keeps them from getting hurt.

This is the resting stage. It also is the changing stage. The caterpillar starts to changes. It starts to turn into a butterfly. It starts to look different. Its shape starts to change. It changes quickly. It then turns into a butterfly. All this happens in the chrysalis. This does not take a long time.

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Stage 4: Butterly (Adult) (Imago)
In stage four, the chrysalis opens. Soon a butterfly comes out. A butterfly is sometimes called an imago. It is also called an adult. Butterflies are very colorful. When the butterfly first comes out its wings are damp. The wings are also soft. The wings are folded against its body. The butterfly is also very tired. So the butterfly rests.
Once the butterfly has rested, it will be ready to start flying. It will start to pump blood into its wings. This is to get them working and flapping. After it does this, it can now learn to fly. Butterflies cannot fly good at first. They need a lot of practice. It does not take long for them to learn. They learn fast. When it can fly, it will go look for food. The butterfly will also go look for a mate. It will soon find a mate. It will then lay eggs. The lifecycle will start all over again.

http://ed101.bu.edu/StudentDoc/current/ED101sp09/cbelden/Game.html http://www.butterflyutopia.com/BIG/019a-monarch_butterfly.jpg
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Butterflies go through a life cycle. There are four stages. The first stage is the eggs. This is where a girl butterfly lays eggs. She lays them on a leaf. The second stage is the caterpillar. This is where the eggs hatch. It takes about five days for the eggs to hatch. A caterpillar then comes out. At this stage, the caterpillar eats all the time. It also grows really fast. Once it is all the way grown, the third stage starts. This stage is the chrysalis. The caterpillar makes a chrysalis. The caterpillar is inside the chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis, it starts to change. It soon changes into a butterfly. Once the caterpillar has changed into a butterfly, the fourth stage starts. This is also that last stage in the life cycle.  The fourth stage is the butterfly. A butterfly comes out of the chrysalis. It can now learn to fly. It can also find a mate. When it finds a mate, it lays eggs. Then the lifecycle process starts all over again.

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Different kinds of Butterflies
There are many different kinds of butterflies. Here are some different kinds:

Monarch: This is the most known butterfly in North America. This butterfly has orange and black wings. In the fall they go to Mexico.
http://www.simplybutterflies.com/Backyard_Butterflies.html http://www.wildwisconsinweb.com/Gallery/images/Monarch%20Butterfly.jpg
Painted Lady: Also called the thistle butterfly. This butterfly is everywhere in North America. The wings are orange and brown. The tips of its wings have black and white spots.
http://www.simplybutterflies.com/Backyard_Butterflies.html http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/natural/insects/projects/_images/painted.jpg
Viceroy: This butterfly is the same color as a Monarch. But it is smaller than a monarch. This butterfly is everywhere in the United States.
http://www.simplybutterflies.com/Backyard_Butterflies.html http://www.wunderground.com/data/wximagenew/n/NickiC/640.jpg
Red-Spotted Purple: This type of butterfly has many different colors. The top of the wings are blue. There are small red and white dots on the tops of the wings. The bottoms of its wings are a red and brown color. It also has orange spots. This butterfly flies fast. It is hard to catch. They like to sit on rotting fruit. They also like to sit in gardens.
http://www.simplybutterflies.com/Backyard_Butterflies.html https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEimo4W1keUMiII8Zu1cPt29k_pdR1iEw6WMtlLVBy00AGkfFtY_ByTOJV17soEbsljD4DV54dpQrmxuY5bbReDmAzbegcYQ2NaU7IAnyMGD_lKT2zuSSuCi09J-6XwA5Qof3wp1emnah_Ni/s1600/lep_red-spotted_purple230.JPG

Buckeye: This butterfly is seen in the United States. It is also in some places in Mexico. This butterfly is brown and orange. It also has patterns on its wings. These patterns look like eyes. These are used to scare off predators. This scares off other animals because it does not look like a butterfly.
http://www.simplybutterflies.com/Backyard_Butterflies.html http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/bfly/common_buckeye01.jpg
Zebra Longwing: This butterfly has black and white stripes. It also likes the warm weather. It lives in Mexico and the United States. These butterflies eat pollen. They also live longer than many other kinds of butterflies.
http://www.simplybutterflies.com/Backyard_Butterflies.html https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjaNi4GxNWdcOQfVdgN573PCAlA1FUpzDUT1m3WYb27-EYaqN3GKMIvXWEQVLXGuqBsop94sr9yuLkk7SPTY3AjDanndDxl4TrEO7imhn1f7jWQjm5rGlSjekQF1sY7hbLlW14eVkRlonw/s1600/nm_zebra_longwing_080509_ssh.jpg
Fun Facts about Butterflies
Butterflies taste with their feet.
Butterflies do not have mouths.
Butterflies need sun to fly.
Butterflies fly during the day.
Butterflies can see some colors. They can see red, yellow, and green.
Butterflies cannot fly if they are too cold. They need to be warm to fly.
Butterflies have their skeleton on the outside of their body. This is to protect them. It keeps the water inside of their body. This is good because they do not dry out.
The wings of a butterfly are transparent. The wings of a butterfly have tiny scales. These give their wings color. This is why they do not look transparent to us.

http://www.free-slideshow.com/stock-photos/awesome_butterflies/charming-butterfly.jpg http://www.photofunblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Transparent-Butterfly.jpg http://www.richard-seaman.com/Arthropods/Mexico/Butterflies/04/SmallMexicanButterfly.jpg http://www.simplybutterflies.com/Backyard_Butterflies.html

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